SUD Treatment Provider Resources
This page will be continually updated with various resources related to delivering SUD treatment services within the CMHPSM region.
SUD Treatment Provider Training Resources
Visit the CMHPSM SUD training resources page for CMHPSM provided training materials. Additional training materials can be found below.
MDHHS has contracted with CMHAM (formerly MACMHB) to develop and host training resources for SUD Service Providers, which are hosted here:
SUD Treatment Provider Notices
Federal Debarment Requirements
SUD Treatment Provider Credentialing Application
Reporting Forms
PA2 Mini Grant Application
EHR / CRCT Assistance
CMHPSM SUD Treatment Fee-for-Service Rates
SUD Provider Audit Information
Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement Program (QAPIP) Evaluations
State Opioid Response (SOR) Grant
Provider Resources
The purpose of the Michigan SOR 3 project is to increase access to MOUD using the three FDA approved medications; reduce unmet treatment needs; reduce overdose related deaths through the prevision of prevention, treatment, harm reduction and recovery activities for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Stimulant Use Disorder (StUD); and improve quality of treatment for StUD and OUD.
SOR funded organizations are responsible for ensuring all programming follows CMHPSM Regional Policies, Contract Requirement, MDHHS Policies and SAMHSA requirements: